A session would typically start with posture, neck & relaxation exercises…

Sessions go like this…

*Posture work

*Vocal warm ups & exercises


*Building strength

*Pitching/note recognition

A vocal lesson would typically start with stretching & neck relaxation, posture improvement & getting your breathing right.

You will learn some warm up exercises to work on technique & singing the correct notes.

Depending on your level & goals, you would typically start to work on scales, techniques to build strength, exercises to improve volume control, facial expression & performance.

Around 40% of lessons are spent working on your songs.

You get to put the techniques you've learned into practice as well as perfecting those songs you want to perform or record.


If it's something you are aiming for, you can also be entered for examinations. Sessions would then be spent working on the things you would need to pass.


Students can be accepted from age 6. Younger students will be accepted only depending on their understanding and capabilities.  

There is no upper age limit.

Preparing you for professional work…

*Performance & Facial Expression

*Use of a mic 

*How to work with sound/lights to give your best performance

*Working in a studio 

*Stagecraft and lots of other things that go hand in hand with singing.

Lee-Ann has taught every subject within the music industry & has experience working in most of the roles relating to live shows & music recording. Singing & performance lessons are based around her knowledge of other sectors to give a new viewpoint on vocal performance.


How long is a lesson?

The typical length for a lesson is 1 to 1.5 hrs...anything longer than this will tire your voice when you're just learning. 

You MUST put in the effort!

Homework is essential! You only get out of your voice whatever practice you put into it.  It is recommended that you find around 10-30 minutes per day to work on techniques learned in sessions.  It is also recommended that you work on your songs 2-5 times a week for around 30-60 minutes.


With The Bonny Academy singing & performance sessions, you also get a free vocal anatomy course where you learn what is actually inside the voice, how the voice works, what's good/bad for your voice etc.

You will get a certificate of completion, a full PDF guide to download & keep & discounts off other courses from

The Bonny Academy.